Monday, December 15, 2014

Freebie, Fun, and What was I thinking????

Let's start with the FREEBIE!

Here it is...another piece of word art.  This time in ornament form.

downloaded version is on plain white paper

Download your freebie here

I'm having so much fun making these quick little pieces that I hope someone somewhere is able to enjoy them.  ;)

And since I'm obsessing with words, letters, and word art...

Santa knew it was a rough one today and brought home the handiest tool to aid in my newest (do teachers have hobbies?!?).  A Bamboo stylus pen for font making.  #besthusbandever

I feel like I'm back in highschool on the phone doodling names, words, and letters.  (Wait...Am I the only one who did that?!)  Only this time when I doodle them, they aren't just on notebook paper laying around my room.  Now I can actually send them and upload them onto my computer to use...on e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!!!  

(Truth be told...I secretly couldn't wait for the kiddos to go to bed tonight to completely and selfishly consume myself in letter making.  I've already been working on about 8 different fonts (since Sunday morning).  Did I mention the word obsessed?)

So that's my fun for the day!

Here's the "What was I thinking????" part of this post...

Lots and lots and lots of time and little hands spent peeling crayons.
(Who has time for that?  And why on earth would someone do that?)

Here's why.

For years I've been wanting to do this.  Along with my obsession of writing and words, I'm a color lover!  So years ago, I saw this and thought it was the PERFECT idea for student Christmas gifts.   (Idea being the operative word here.)  A little baggy with their name in crayon letters!  Sweet, right?

However, after the first round, of only a single letter of each mind you, there had to be some way to speed up this process.  After all, I need 18 A's just to make this idea work!

Enter Pinterest.  Thank you!
My daughters (crayons peelers/slave labor) thank you!

Soak crayons in hot/warm water and labels literally fall off.  Praise the Lord and save the nails!

Unfortunately, by this time, it was bedtime and my labor, daughters, had to depart upstairs for the night.  I told them I couldn't wait to start again tomorrow after school now that we have a system in place.  Only 16 more A's to go...  Should I be offended by the eye rolls and sighs? ;)

We'll see if it's all worth it.  We do absolutely LOVE them...
but I definitely should have started a month ago!

Aren't they so sweet?!

Let's hope for better luck tomorrow!  (Or quicker luck...)

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I did crayon hearts one year for my prek class-- much easier! :)
