Thursday, December 18, 2014

Parent Gifts and Fonts

'Nuf said.

Insanity and delirious are the only two words coming to mind right now.  

About 3 hours ago I was falling asleep trying to get pictures ready for my sweet darlings parent gifts. I guess somewhere in the last few hours I either 1) got a second wind OR 2) knew that waking up at 3 to finish my work probably won't happen tomorrow with the state of exhaustion I'm feeling.  

 I think option 2.

Regardless, finishing up making my examples for parent gifts (well, waiting for glue to that really considered a "task?").  Debating whether or not to cut the pictures out myself or let my firsties do it........hmm.  Normally I have my students do everything but we're taking a slightly different approach this year (when plan A failed...a slightly more challenging plan B popped up).  

My kiddos started these today and will finish tomorrow...(these are my examples)

Totally inspired from Pinterest and combined with other ideas.  

I found the wood blocks at Hobby Lobby for $2.99 for four.  I got both circles and squares for two reasons...
1.  They simply didn't have enough of just one kind for my whole class.
2.  To give the kids a chance to pick and personalize.

They first painted the blocks white.  Meanwhile, I did a little photo session combined with a green blanket backdrop hanging from my bulletin board and a colorful string of lights.  The kiddos were tangled up one by one and took some cute pics.  Tomorrow we will finish the second part (needed to print my pictures from home so I could add some text to the pics). ;)  

I uploaded the pics to my computer and using a Pages document (iMac) inserted pictures into squares and circles shapes measured and stretched to match the blocks.  

Print, cut, Mod Podge.

When the Mod Podge dries, I will be staple gunning holiday ribbon to the backs to make a pretty darn cute ornament!  Still waiting for the glue to dry, but currently loving!  Can't wait to see how they turn out tomorrow!

I'll be honest though...besides the insanity of getting all the presents ready little sleep time has not been invaded by my dang obsession to make fonts.  Ugh!!!  I know in a couple days I'll have more time (possibly) but I can't resist.  at. all.  

This is my latest...

CN Doodles


Oh wait.  I do.  ;)  

Monday, December 15, 2014

Freebie, Fun, and What was I thinking????

Let's start with the FREEBIE!

Here it is...another piece of word art.  This time in ornament form.

downloaded version is on plain white paper

Download your freebie here

I'm having so much fun making these quick little pieces that I hope someone somewhere is able to enjoy them.  ;)

And since I'm obsessing with words, letters, and word art...

Santa knew it was a rough one today and brought home the handiest tool to aid in my newest (do teachers have hobbies?!?).  A Bamboo stylus pen for font making.  #besthusbandever

I feel like I'm back in highschool on the phone doodling names, words, and letters.  (Wait...Am I the only one who did that?!)  Only this time when I doodle them, they aren't just on notebook paper laying around my room.  Now I can actually send them and upload them onto my computer to use...on e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!!!  

(Truth be told...I secretly couldn't wait for the kiddos to go to bed tonight to completely and selfishly consume myself in letter making.  I've already been working on about 8 different fonts (since Sunday morning).  Did I mention the word obsessed?)

So that's my fun for the day!

Here's the "What was I thinking????" part of this post...

Lots and lots and lots of time and little hands spent peeling crayons.
(Who has time for that?  And why on earth would someone do that?)

Here's why.

For years I've been wanting to do this.  Along with my obsession of writing and words, I'm a color lover!  So years ago, I saw this and thought it was the PERFECT idea for student Christmas gifts.   (Idea being the operative word here.)  A little baggy with their name in crayon letters!  Sweet, right?

However, after the first round, of only a single letter of each mind you, there had to be some way to speed up this process.  After all, I need 18 A's just to make this idea work!

Enter Pinterest.  Thank you!
My daughters (crayons peelers/slave labor) thank you!

Soak crayons in hot/warm water and labels literally fall off.  Praise the Lord and save the nails!

Unfortunately, by this time, it was bedtime and my labor, daughters, had to depart upstairs for the night.  I told them I couldn't wait to start again tomorrow after school now that we have a system in place.  Only 16 more A's to go...  Should I be offended by the eye rolls and sighs? ;)

We'll see if it's all worth it.  We do absolutely LOVE them...
but I definitely should have started a month ago!

Aren't they so sweet?!

Let's hope for better luck tomorrow!  (Or quicker luck...)

My Own Font!

So I was going to title this post..."Dreams Can Come True" but I thought that might be a hair too cheesy.  Maybe.  But definitely true.  For me.

A dreary, wet Sunday and the last push before winter break.  So much to do and never enough time in the day to do it.  So how did I spend some of those most crucial, productive moments of the day you ask??  Terrific question...

I spent them creating this!!!

Now it certainly is NOT perfect and will get plenty tweaked before sharing but for a quick trial I couldn't be more thrilled.  
I created my own fonts today!!!!  WOO HOO!!

(How cheesy and nerdy am I?  Completely!!)

Everyone who knows me, knows these very important things about me:
1.  I love to talk.  Endlessly.
2.  I love to write & doodle.  Any form.
3.  I love fonts.  Love!

Long before I even contemplated selling my lessons or activities...
Long before I was an avid computer user...
Long before I had kids and digital scrapbooks...
I loved fonts!!

I often get asked where I get my fonts from or how do I have so many.  It's because I've been obsessed a long time in the making.  So today was truly a dream come true!!  I have longed for many years for a way to create my own fonts.  
I love to doodle and create my own posters in my classroom and knew somehow, someway there must be a way to create a font without having to spend a fortune on equipment.  I've even tried scanning and uploading each letter.  WTH?!?!?!  

Until now.  

I found a program for my iPad.
Now I'm on to perfecting.  Can't wait for winter break now more than ever!!

I even changed an activity I was creating for a lesson tomorrow to use my font!

This is not the final product but it is my new font...called CN Second Time Around!

Needless to say, this here is one beyond ecstatic girl!!
Happy Sunday to me!
(Thanks for letting me share my silly but exciting news!)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas Word Art FREEBIE!

Hot off the press! 
I just posted my Christmas Word Art.  Just a fun little creation that I've been thinking about for a while. Other ideas brewing but now I can check this one off.  

Grab yours in my tpt store!

I plan to do something fun with mine.......using a wooden plaque I purchased a copy weeks ago and of course my fave, mod podge!!

I'l share more after it's completed.


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Grinch Day Review

In an attempt to post something.  anything. here it is.

Benchmark testing.

Scheduling special December events.

School holiday parties.

Teaching curriculum.


Getting ready for Santa.

Keeping up with Herbert (our elf).

Thinking of thoughtful gifts...for everyone.

Ordering/Shopping for thoughtful gifts.

Wrapping thoughtful gifts.

Phew!  Is it winter break yet?!?

December has been a busy month.

Grinch Day went fabulously!!  I decided to be a little silly and sport this look to get my kiddos really in the spirit of the day.  

photo courtesy of a fabulous coworker!
not sure how to pose.
so awkward.

With the help of this amazingly light and helpful tool...

And the power of a high pony tail...

I managed to hold that hair strong all day.  Quite fun, I have to admit.  However, it startled me every time I caught my reflection somewhere.  ;)

The best part was seeing my kiddos all dressed up! Lots of Cindy Lou's and even some Grinch's.  So sweet!

Hard to see in the pictures but there are some fantastic do's and even one face painting.  
Yet another reason to love first grade!!

We had created these earlier in the week.

And of course, I rarely do a craft without some sort of writing.  So on the back of these hanging beauties, the kiddos wrote about what Christmas means to them.  

Get your craftivity here.

We also attempted some Grinch slime (well, the heart of the Grinch slime since green glitter glue could be found nowhere!)...but to no avail.  Although it looked fun, it quickly hardened and was definitely not slime.

This was our finished product.  Hmm...  Next time I will try measuring correctly.  ;)

We also watched the classic video of How The Grinch Stole Christmas and enjoyed some Grinch kabobs after.

(I didn't take a picture in my lack of time...however, I decided to let my kiddos assemble their kabobs rather than me putting them together and let the fruit get all mushy from sitting.  While they watched the video, I laid out cupcake holders-the paper kind, nothing fancy- and placed a green grape, strawberry, slice of banana, one mini marshmallow, and two toothpicks in each one.  I allowed the kiddos a couple minutes to try assembling theirs first...while everyone was getting their kabob ingredients.  Then I showed them how.  They were so excited.  And since we have so many food allergies and sensitivities in our room, it was a terrifically healthy treat!!)

This past week was so hectic.  I didn't get a chance to take many pictures at all. 
We worked on some Gingerbread activities and read so many stories relating to this wonderful character.  We are wrapping up on Monday with all our literacy work.

I did, however, snag a few other photos at home this week.

some intense concentration on writing.

so excited to remove every ornament OFF the tree.
and listen to them play music.
and dance.
Over winter break I have some simple goals.

Sleep. Play. Snuggle. Host. Create. Post.

Until then....let's just work on getting through this week.

Good luck, teachers!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Grinch Day tomorrow!

All of the little Who's in my class are coming together to celebrate our first Grinch Day.  We have spent this week doing small activities after reading the story.  Tomorrow will be a productive but fun day.  I am sure of it.  

Ran to the store to pick up some supplies...

We are starting our day with some glitter glue to make long a magic e word ornaments.
(less mess for the custodians to get upset by)  ;)

Then we will be doing a couple Grinch literacy activities (will be posting later this weekend).

We will of course watch the short, classic video later in the day while we eat our Grinchies.

Along with some Grinchy Math story problems we will be making some Santa Slime (only because there was absolutely NO green glitter glue anywhere in the store).  Or I believe my girls and I called it the Grinch's Love in His Heart.  (are you gagging yet?!)

And...I'm even thinking of sporting one of these in my hair.  Channeling a little Cindy Lou Who.
Still undecided.

As for my mini Grinch craftivity and will not be posted until Sunday.  Busy, busy, busy.

Until then I'll leave you with one of my favorite pics...
( my two most favorite girlies!!

Happy Holidays!!

The Power of Positive Thinking

Teaching has so many wonderful things about it.  So many.

If you're a teacher though, probably when asked about your profession, you could come up with a litany of negatives instantly without even blinking.  While I feel that too at times, I won't even allow myself to conjure up all the hundreds of things that overwhelm us daily right now.  Nope.  

Because tonight I want to share the positives.  And only the positives.

And frankly, well, though they feel outnumbered some days...the positives that are truly impactful and precious far surpass any mountain of negatives that are out there.

One of the bittersweet things about teaching is the turnover rate.  ;)  Every year a group leaves you and every year a new crop appears.  At the end of the year, your kiddos are trained exactly how you want them.  They know what they can get away with and what your pet peeves are.  They know how you work and when your best time of day is.  They just get it.  

Then fall comes and in walks that new batch of students.  

And let's just be honest really never know what you're going to get.  Realistically, it doesn't matter how great the numbers look on paper or the scores or levels.  It's about the dynamics of the individuals when they are all in one room together for an entire year 6 hours a day 5 days a week.  It's your new family and just like with every family, there are going to be issues.

How do you deal with those issues?

Every student has the right to feel good about who they are and what they can do.  Don't get me wrong...there are definitely PLENTY of challenges out there...I have had my share for sure.  But this is your opportunity to seek good in something they do or who they are at the very bare minimum once a day.  Because for 6 hours a day 5 days a week 9 months a year, you are their everything.  You are their safety.  You are their peace.

It's easy to get upset at the child who won't listen.  
It's easy to get frustrated at the child who won't pay attention.
It's easy to make excuses and blame their parents.
It's easy to be irritated by the tapping or fidgeting.
It's easy to focus on the negative.

What's not easy to do?  Focus on the good.  
But that's what we should do.
That's the greatest and best challenge we can give ourselves.

Today I allowed myself that opportunity.

I have two students.  Fantastic people.  Both have academic challenges.  Most days they try hard and have every intention on doing their best.  Sometimes though they are still not able to do the task because academically they may not be where their peers are.  Today was one of those days.

We were taking a Math test.  It was just a fluency check mid-year to assess progress.  My two friends usually need one-on-one assistance or a lot of prompting, nudging, fire lighting beneath them.  After one kind reminder and a positive comment to each one separately they both completed the entire assessment without any support.  This rarely happens.

I was so thrilled at their internal motivation and desire to complete the test, I had to fight back tears.  It's a moment like that that reminds you of the power of positives.  They were beaming ear to ear.  If I would have pushed and prodded to get them working with a more negative sounding tone, I don't think the results would have been the same.  They may have even shut down on me.  By trying to "focus on the good," the results were amazing.  I could not have been prouder of them in that moment.

I know this is not a foreign concept to many.  However, I know sometimes in the daily grind and with all the responsibilities that keep being put on us, teachers feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

I agree and I empathize.

However, there is a time and a place.  Allow the time with the students to be productive, educational, and positive.  They not only need those words of encouragement but also that modeling.  They need to hear and see what positive problem solving looks like...not be yelled at or ridiculed for not following directions or that of the like.  Set up a positive environment in your classroom with not only the words you speak but the way you handle your body language around every student.  Everything speaks.

It will be remembered.

It will be remembered long after the mountain of complaints have dissipated.

They will remember you.  Make the effort to make a positive impact.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Printers. Grr.

This is completely how I'm feeling right now.

Just when I was putting things together for the rest of this week and putting the finishing touches on this pack, the N.E.W printer decided it had enough also.   What is going on?!?!  

In progress...don't judge yet.  ;)

I was actually trying to print some goodies to laminate for tomorrow but I guess we'll go with plan B.  
Completely true.

On a separate was my highlight from yesterday.

My kiddos were so focused on writing numbers to 100.  This was simply a bonus activity while I was waiting for a couple friends to finish up a pretest before we began the new lesson.  I challenged my kiddos to write 1-100 trying to NOT use their resources in the room. 

They showed me.  Incredible.  What's even better is how proud they were.  Melted my heart!

And of course, I have been trying to engrave the power of a good complete sentence in them.  
This makes me laugh!

The answer is yes.  It's always yes.  

At home, we have had some fun with our elf who is back from the North Pole.  He has been enjoying leaving us elf-sized letters and calendars and playing tricks around the house. 

Since he can't be touched or he'll lose his magic, many of our ideas for Herbert have to be altered  so he can stay up high.  I have two girls who would definitely freak if they witnessed their two year old brother grabbing him.  Ain't nobody got time for a freak out.  ;)

He's gotten into a little trouble...

And oops...

Luckily, we love him!

As for the so much.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Grab your Grinch Freebie!

So thrilled to be sharing our Grinch writing and craftivity in just a bit!  Still scanning in a few more changes and tweaks.  In the meantime, I thought I'd offer up a little freebie to anyone interested.

Download yours in my tpt store here.

This is what you'll get! 

One of my favorite quotes from my favorite holiday picture book...
How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

My kiddos began part one of the answering questions portion today after reading the story together.  They were overjoyed when they saw my Grinch was there to read with us.  (I think my excitement for everything is starting to rub off on them!  Oh heavens.  #sweetestthings )

All afternoon they kept asking when we would be making ours.  I cannot wait to do part two tomorrow with them!  I'm sure, like always, each one will be one of a kind.  I love kid art!!!  Precious! 

I will be back to post the craftivity...soon.

Enjoy the freebie!

Cyber Monday Sale

Sunday night...

Prepping for school tomorrow because well, yes, I had a week to do it but there just is not enough hours or days to get to all the things I want to accomplish in just one week...a week that also includes two days of Parent Teacher Conferences and a holiday.  #teacherprobs

Anyway, working on new workstations and a fun craftivity and writing project that I cannot wait to do with my'll see.  

My most favorite holiday story ever...

I mean, really???  Who doesn't love the Grinch?  Or rather the story depicting the metamorphosis of the main character from beginning to end?!  Huh?!  kidding...but true

Yes, I absolutely love reading this story with both my classroom kiddos and my real loves.  I'm especially partial to the original...the one I have memorized since I was a kid.  Every time I read the story, my voice grows deeper and I suddenly take on the expressions of Boris Karloff (the original narrator).  I   L O V E  this story!

This year I decided to change up my December a little bit.  Instead of waiting til the week before break to read about the Grinch, I decided to launch it right away when we return.  Since we have been learning all about communities and will soon be exploring the differences between needs and wants, I thought this was a perfect connector.  Thinking about how a community comes together to celebrate what they have in each other rather than the material objects.  Love!  And really, I will probably make about 10 more connections when I'm in the midst of teaching it all.  I'll be sure to share soon!  (Hoping tomorrow with pictures!)

In the meantime, in the few quiet moments after teeth have been brushed and stories have been read, I'll admit that while I'm putting the kids to bed, I'm totally scrolling my phone and am quickly becoming obsessed with ecards.  Probably may have noticed a time or two.

And the sad thing is...I can't tell which ones resonate louder with me (or that I'm laughing louder at)...the teacher or the mom cards.  #ohbrother

Here's a few from today that caught my eye as we head into December...

How is that just so the truth?!?!  

I can see their faces now.  ;)  Sorry in advance but December SCREAMS glitter!

If Black Friday left you still hankering for some good sales, check out my store over at tpt.  
Use promo code TPTCYBER to get additional sales.  My entire store will be on sale Monday and Tuesday!  Check it out!

Good luck tomorrow, teachers!