Saturday, June 27, 2015

Grab those Sales!

If you haven't already seen them, watch out, the aisles are filling up with...yes...gasp!  Back to School supplies!  (Can you hear my heart racing with excitement already?!)  ;)

Although I'm trying to stifle the urge to buy, I'm finding some great deals out there that I wanted to share before they are gone.  While I haven't been out looking for anything particular, a few things have crossed my path that I couldn't pass up on.  

Go grab them while supplies last. 

Found this rug at Costco the other day.  It's not overly large but I think it'll be a nice addition to my classroom.  There were 5 different styles ranging from solar system, letters (which I loved but thought may be too young), numbers, continents (which I already have a large one in my room),  and this one of America and it's landmarks.  (I didn't snap a picture of them all because we were three kids in tow and trying to hurry.)  I'm hoping to replace a few of my small ones that often slide around or students trip on with this one.

Very rarely do we visit Meijer just out of lack of convenient locations to where we live.  However, today we ran into one quickly looking Patrol toys for my addicted son.  #thethingswedo

I needed to browse around a bit and found some supplies.  I found two large poster frames for a reasonable price that I will be using to insert premade posters and then use as a dry erase board on top.  Also, there were small chalkboards on clearance for $5.99 and really, how could I pass that up?  I'm planning to paint the frames and then create some signs for for classroom.  

The final thing in the picture above is a roll of fabric.  Every year I plan to make a banner/pennants/ties to hang in my room for extra decor but every year life happens and I never seem to get a chance to get fabric or cut it or on and on and on...  Meijer happened to have pre-cut fabrics in bundles on clearance also.  Not sure yet what will come out of this but I'll keep you posted.  

The final bargain hopping place I found some goodies at was of course...Target.  On Facebook, I see many of you posting about all the amazing things your Targets have on sale right now for teachers and classrooms.  I'm oh-so-jealous but to be honest, it's probably better for my bank account that my Target has yet to put out those products.  (My husband is especially thankful!  Although, I have not yet told him that's why I keep searching the Target Dollar Spot each week.  Shhh.)

Along with my fabric from Meijer, I planned on making a few new banners and pennants to use in my classroom also.  I bought two of these burlap banners to transform into.....something.  Still brainstorming something purposeful and educational to write on the pennants.  
The slate signs and the buckets will be used for another decoration and organizational piece.  

The last couple years I've been making all my own nametags and signs to help save money and to customize my own wants.  While it certainly has it's advantages, sometimes I think I just find other things I can't make to spend money on.  #teacherproblems  Anyone else have this prob?

At least I caught some good clearance deals and sales.  Now go get yours!

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