Sunday, June 28, 2015

Fingers Crossed...Love to Apple

Yesterday I did a very silly or very wise thing.

If you remember back to the beginning of this month, I wrote about how I wanted to revamp my listening station.  Read about it here.  I have been pricing out devices...iPods Nano, Touch, iPhones, iPads, and so on trying to figure out what is the best deal to use to integrate more technology into my classroom for more individualized instruction during my listening station and guided reading time.
While I entertained several options of ways to obtain the money or ask family/friends/former parents for device donations, I suddenly got an idea that I'm hoping isn't too farfetched but I'm realistic enough to know, it just may be.

I wrote a letter to the Apple Corporation and mailed it to not only the corporate office in California but a couple retail stores in the area also.  As I sit here writing this on my iMac (and loving it!), I'm hoping they will take an honest look into my request and donate some new or used devices for my students to use this school year and for many years to come.  

Like I said...yesterday I did a very silly or a very wise thing.  

Only time will tell.  Fingers crossed that Apple responds.

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