Saturday, November 22, 2014

Parent Resources Here!

Woo hoo!  

After what felt like a super unproductive day, I did manage to get some great things checked off my list.

1.  Freshened up my look with a haircut...just in time for conferences.
(sorry.  no selfies.  this girl is not photogenic.)  ;)

2.  Found a fun pair of boots at DSW on clearance for...wait for it...$15!!!!!  
(Ok...this was NOT on my list to do, but who can resist $15 boots?!?!)

3.  Got a new printer since my old one decided it had taken enough of my abuse over the years and decided to just quit printing black about 2 weeks ago.  What?!!?  I know.  Befuddling.
2 weeks of pure stress.  Never realized how much I print at home.
Until I couldn't.

Now I just have to install it...hmm.

4.  And...happy to this ready for my conferences Monday.

Decided to give it a little updating...especially for any of my sibling's parents that may have received it last year.  ;)

Three handouts all ready to copy and share with parents.  I have included tips, strategies, and activities for homework time, spelling, reading, and writing that parents can do at home to help support their child.  I also added on a plethora of ways to practice spelling words which could be used for spelling words, sight words, and letter recognition and identification.

Grab yours here.

As for onto printer installation and student portfolios.  

What a wild and crazy Saturday night!  he, he

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