Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Cue the Music

If I haven't said it before, I'll say it again...I L.O.V.E. and need and have to have music in my classroom!  Not that I'm a music buff by any means but it has certainly grown throughout the years.

That being said I could go on for hours...but sadly, this girl is exhausted.  So for tonight I'm simply going to post this playlist and call it a night.  

Since everything in my classroom has a purpose, I can assure you all of these songs do as well.  Gladly, I will share the purposes of each playlist soon and how I use these songs in my class.  Below is the playlist I shared with my colleagues so it is in a different format than I would normally post on the blog.

But for now...

here you go.

I will share a prettier, more user-friendly list soon. ;)

...sweet dreams.

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