Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 3...Let's get motivated!

Back again for my daily post challenge.  Since my blog was so ignored and under-appreciated (by myself!) lately, I thought I'd challenge myself to post at least one picture each night this week.  So far I've managed to be successful at my goal and well...I couldn't quit tonight.  So here I am.

Yesterday I posted this pic.

Here's the backstory... (I'll try to be brief but honestly, that is not my strong suit.- and everyone who's reading this and knows me, is smiling and agreeing right now!!)

Years ago, in my former teacher life, when I taught third grade, our school took part in a reading challenge at the start of every basketball season for our community's high school.  Every time students read a certain number of minutes they were able to turn in a slip and earn a prize.  Over time students seemed less and less interested in earning some of the prizes our school was offering.  

As a motivator, I hung a small Nerf basketball hoop outside my classroom door.  On the paper "pole" holding it up, I had marked the 3 mile markers/minutes to read in order to earn our school incentive.  Each time a student brought in his/her slip, I let him/her shoot two baskets.  As they earned the minutes and shot their baskets, they would write their name on some small paper (such as a book cut out, basketball, or paw print cut out) and post it next to the amount of minutes he/she read.  It was a great incentive just in it of itself.  Kids LOVED shooting baskets and it became a real team builder.  It was a quick way to recognize students for doing something above and beyond that was intrinsically motivating (which is what I'm all about).

Each year, just as we do with our academic content, I added something to it to make it work for the new class or myself.  I wanted to continue to use it all year but wasn't quite sure how since it had become something special we did only for our yearly reading challenge.

When I moved to first, I felt the struggle of moving down two grades and having to alter my expectations.  Obviously, the hoop couldn't be used in the same way but I wanted to incorporate it somehow.  It took me a bit but I found it's place.

Now I use this hoop year-round as my homefun incentive.  Perfect!!

I have a weekly checklist that I use to check in homefun or assignments each week.  Throughout the week, I keep track of which students not only turn in work but also on time.  In first grade, homefun is all about reviewing concepts taught throughout the day.  One of my main purposes is to create and establish great homefun habits demonstrating responsibility....taking it home, doing the work, returning it the next day, and putting it in the right spot at school.  Those are typically new procedures and higher expectations for our firsties so I want to start them off on the best foot possible for years to come.

That being said...when a student turns in every assignment for the week AND on time, on Fridays he/she gets to shoot two baskets.  If a student misses one assignment, on Friday he/she can make only one shot.  If the student misses several assignments, he/she is not able to make any shots that Friday.  For every shot the student makes (which in first grade is rarer than you may think...even sometimes with help) the student gets to pick a prize from my prize drawer.  Each Monday we start over on a new list and everyone gets a fresh start.

It seems like a big to do, but again, I think it is important to establish those routines and habits while they are little and still eager to please.  I have had several students over the years that were much more into sports and athletics than school.  This played right into that for them.  They may not have wanted to do the work, but they sure did want to shoot the baskets.  For them, that was the only motivation for turning in homefun.  Which I am totally fine with...if that's what they need to buy in with, I'll take it.

Being so set on instilling intrinsic motivation into my students, the prizes in my drawer are a huge variety.  Everything from miscellaneous pencils left over from previous years to Happy Meal toys I've stolen (er...collected) from my own children (obviously both of those are more tangibly rewards but I believe in the balance of both) to coupons for things to do in the classroom (eventually I will post these...eventually!).  Kids who are not athletically motivated may just shoot for the prizes and that's okay, too.  

Again, the idea is to help create good habits...sometimes no matter how we get there.

One of my favorite things about this hoop system is that it is soooo gender neutral.  Both boys and girls LOVE shooting...even if for different reasons.  Anything I can do to appeal equally to both genders makes me feel like a winner inside.

So that's how I motivate in my classroom.  One way, at least.

And here's what motivates me at home...

This happy guy keeps me smiling. Keeps me running.  Keeps me on my toes.  Keeps me feeling complete.  #thankgoodnesshescute

This little love keeps me crafting.  Keep me hugging.  Keeps me laughing.  Keeps me remembering that karma does payback for me as a little love.  Oh heavens!  #sorrymom  #gottalovethatface

This awesome chica keeps me constantly thinking (always, always asking questions!).  Keeps me creating.  Keeps me proud.  Keeps me going.

And of course, the Mr.  

Keeps me thankful.  Keeps me happy.  
Keeps me grateful for some of the best blessings I have in my life.

To which I will add...I am grateful that tomorrow is Friday.  Although, it was a short week, it has definitely been a full one.  Looking forward to meeting my goal again tomorrow.
Hmmm....what will it be???
Stay tuned...

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