Sunday, September 14, 2014

Best kind of weekend!

What more can I say??

Over 6 beds in this house and this is what I was lucky enough to wake up to on a Saturday morning.  
A king size bed none the less...I think there was a sliver left for me.  

Either way, I woke up happy and rested and excited to not have to leave the house if I chose not to.  (which I did not!)

  My favorite kind of weekend!
No football games.
No school.
No daycare.
No drop offs.
No errands.
No makeup.

Needless to say, I spent A LOT of time kickin' around the house getting lots of little things done that have been hanging over my head but always seem to be last on the priority list.

Like cleaning out the fridge.  Love the end result and yes, I do the periodic weekly check but examining dates on bottles, condiments, and containers...last on the list to do each week.  

However, I was so glad I got to it this weekend because I was left this little note afterwards from my oldest love.

Talk about filling my bucket.  Made me smile!  What a keeper.

After a morning spent cleaning and organizing, it was computer time.  The kiddos were all playing (usually in the office with me), be-bopping around, and enjoying staying home also.  I managed to check off quite a few things hanging over me.  Like this one...

I uploaded, coupons I started in the summer.  Oops!  

I love using coupons for rewards as one of my incentives in my classroom.  I have everything in there from pick a spot to sit for the day to pick our brain breaks and lunch with a friend.  There are 20 coupons included and I've already started on the second set.  Due out in June...KIDDING!  
Hopefully, soon.  Hopefully. 

Grab your coupons here.

They would have been done a lot sooner but somewhere over the last 8 years, WHAT?!?!, I lost the original file of what I already had made.  Thought they just needed a little tweaking only to realize I couldn't get to any of the masters.  In all fairness, I didn't realize it had been 8 years since I made them until talking with my husband.  Could've saved me a lot of searching time...

Oh well.

The bonus was I found this site!!!

Most of the images I had on my original coupons were stolen, uh, found on Google images.  I decided to do it the more ethical way this time.  (My originals were never sold or shared...just used for my own classroom purposes.)  I'm sure many of you already know about this site.  I had stumbled across it before but not for the same needs.  It had just about everything I needed so yeah!! 

I was able to work on quite a few other projects as well and check things off that never-ending list teachers have once school starts.  

Like these little goodies that I picked up at the Dollar Tree a year ago.  

I had great intentions for them and knew exactly what I wanted to do with them.  This is how they looked earlier today...  A little dusty from sitting around for a year.   
Can you tell my intentions and time to do these things don't always sync up???

Well, I finally got a chance to make what I had planned.  I am putting them to use in my class this week so I will be sure to snap a few pics and share!

While I was busy working and creating, I had a couple teachers in the other room giving directions and instructing their own students.  What is it about little girls playing school that melts my heart every time??  Luckily, they both have fantastic teachers in real life and I am blessed to be good friends with both.  I LOVE hearing my girls "teach" because I can hear both of my friends in their voices and it is too sweet for words.  I can tell how much they are learning already and the kindness and respect shown in the classroom.  That, to me, means more than anything!!  Blessed, for sure!

And finally....

I just have to share this.

Yes, the smile is to die for and of course, I think she's too cute for words.  But...the reason I'm sharing is for the artwork.  For sure this girl will someday be a graphic designer or do something with art.  As she completed her Math the other day, she was asked to draw trees, bees, socks, rocks, and people.  Of all the things she had to draw, rocks is what she couldn't figure out.  Cracked me up!  Everything else was spot on...especially the details in her people.  

I love with a little guidance, modeling, and reassurance (and oodles of time to practice!) children can create such amazing things independently.  #oneproudmama

As for's Monday.  Oh goodness.  This mama better get some sleep for tomorrow brings no breaks and a full group of energetic 6-year-olds.  Here we go...

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