Monday, October 6, 2014

It's All About Building Character!

Several years ago I was teaching third grade.  We were developing a new recess/study hall system to put into place for our school.  The team that was creating this system had some of the very best teachers  I have ever had the privilege of working with.  I say that to help set the tone that these were respected, honest, fair, and incredible teachers.  Somehow I managed to sneak onto the team.

As with anything new and different in education it is often met with resistance.  As we shared with the staff what our school would be implementing that fall, there were some nay-sayers.  One person went as far as to say that I should not be maintaining the study hall because I had the "feel good" room.  For years, I took this as a personal attack on my professional abilities to consequence students when necessary.  Why?  I don't know.  I think much like all teachers our skin grows thicker through the years and with experience.  Obviously, my skin was pretty thin still.

That was many years ago...

Now when I think back to that time, I think of it more as a compliment or my own personal badge of honor.  I know that I can handle students who challenge me or the expectations.  I realize now that by letting that teacher's words (which were to intentionally hurt) get in my head, I skewed my vision of what discipline looked like in my classroom instead of letting it go and moving on.  I've now since moved on and am extremely proud that I have a feel good classroom.  That means I'm doing something right!

October is here and with that bring National Bullying Prevention Month.  I'm here to stomp it out with everyone else who is joining forces.

Sad drawing but effective for firsties

We need to remember that other's unkind words and thoughtlessness does not reduce our value or talents.  I'm a strong advocate of building self-esteem and empowering students to know that their possibilities are limitless.

All year long I do team-building, character-boosting activities to remind them of their value and worth.  We celebrate individuality and how each of us are so different and yet we come together as one to make our little classroom family.  (First graders always respond to that with, "What?!  We're not family?!!")  To which I explain that a family is a group of people who love, help, and care about one another. So yes, we absolutely are a family.
(Cue the song, "We Are Family!")

Many times our stories lend themselves to fabulous conversations.  I find it happening with my own children as we read stories together.  We talk about what the characters are feeling.  Why they feel a certain way.  How do we know that's what they are feeling?  How does the author portray that?

We also use those starters to talk about great problem solving strategies.  What do you do when someone says unkind words to you?  How do you react?  How do you solve this problem for yourself? When is it time to NOT solve it by yourself but to get help from an adult?

At this age, most children (like my own) are terrified that its going to be them that gets in trouble.  I think it's important to reassure them that as long as they make good choices, use kind words and tone of voice, that the person being unkind will be the one to get in trouble.  They need to know that it is okay to stand up for themselves and that standing up for themselves does not mean hitting or talking meanly in retaliation.  I teach my kiddos (both school and my own) simple ways they can respond to friends.

Words such as, "Okay."
"Thank you."
"I like my _______."

If said with a calm, indifferent tone, eventually the other person is not getting the satisfaction of upsetting them.  In return, that person will give up and move on.  They will also know that that student or child will not back down or stoop to their level of poor choices.

Of course, there is a time and point when an adult is needed and we talk about that as well.
(Clearly, I'm a big talker!)  ;)

Tomorrow our district is going blue to Stomp Out Bullying.

In honor of this I have compiled some of my favorite picture books (47 books!!) and activities to use throughout this month for Bullying Prevention or throughout the year.  Included are literacy organizers and webs, suggested literature, templates, and more!

Get yours here.

It's All About You and your efforts to build a strong character.  You have the power to build yourself up or let others break you down. the better choice!!

You'll find more about these great stories included in my mini unit.

(I already have a companion activity for Chrysanthemum.  Snag yours here.)

G O   B L U E!!

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