Thursday, October 2, 2014

Boys, antiBullying, and Best Birthday Bonanza

Two days ago I posted about my excitement about going back to school on Wednesday after bouts of sickness ran through two of my littles.....

ha ha!  They had other plans.  

I spent another two days tending to their aching, running nose, fever, vomiting bodies.  It was four days off of school that was in no way shape or form...OFF.  Ugh!!  Their poor little bodies are finally on the road to recovery and nights are getting back to sleeping restfully.  Needless to say, unless suddenly I get struck tonight, I am finally going back tomorrow.  (I probably just jinxed myself!)  

Will they even remember me?!?!  ;)

I have had such high hopes of completing some projects and sharing new things {not to mention cleaning out ALL. THESE. PAPERS!}.  Alas, I've learned a couple new things this week.

1.  Boys are pure chaos.
After having two artsy, crafty, school-playing, dancing, singing girls...I forget that a little boy is the complete opposite.  At least this little boy.

so innocent looking.

That being said, I also learned this.

2. He cannot be trusted.
No matter how sick he was or how much I "entertained" him, he seemed to cause mischief at every turn.  Whether it was throwing game pieces everywhere or climbing on...well, everything...he cannot be trusted.  (And somehow he always knows the perfect time to ask for kisses!!  hmmm...)

DISCLAIMER: this picture was not taken this week.  ;)
(Truth be told...he melts my heart...constantly!)

And finally, I learned...

3.  No creating or checking off lists can be done with sick kids home.  boo!!
Between sub plans, sanitizing, and tending to sweeties, I discovered that I needed to accept that I would not be able to somehow take advantage of this time (or at least an hour here or there).  
Nope.  Nada.  Nothin.

So onward toward the weekend and hopefully sharing this.

In honor of October being National Bullying Prevention Month, I have been compiling some of my favorite "character ed" type activities to share.  Included will be a list of great picture books and stories to share in your classrooms or at home to invoke insightful conversations about building a strong self and being proud of who you are.  I will share some activities I have done in my classroom as well as school-wide.  Looking forward to getting it done and posted very soon!

Flashing back to last was a big day at our school (our annual school Walkathon!).  I was expecting the kids to be crazy excited all day.  Boy, was I surprised!  

Since Johnny Appleseed and I share the same birthday, I wanted to take a time out of the curriculum and use the time to build some background knowledge and teach them a smidge about folk tales and even a little art.  After reading some stories and having really great comparing and contrasting conversations to the past and now, I shared my birthday treat with the class.

But...before they got to eat it, we used our apples for a mini art lesson.  

We learned about it's shape and how to "sketch" still life.  (My old coworker would be proud!)

We learned about crayon and watercolor resistance.

We learned about using the colors we see and adding those details in our artwork.

We learned about "blending" with watercolors.

Sooooo fun!  You could easily hear a pin drop in the room.  
(Not bad for being a crazy excited Friday/Walkathon/birthday treat kind of day!)

They were so proud of their they should've been.  I loved it!  They were focused and absorbing every bit of info I was sharing.  Soaking it in AND THEN APPLYING it to their art.

Best birthday present!!

I love the power of teaching kids these basic skills at such a young age.  I think it empowers them and let's them know what great talents they possess that they maybe never knew were inside.  

Can't wait to hang up their masterpieces...when I get back.  :)

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