Sunday, October 26, 2014

Smiling Sunday Snapshots

No time to do a lengthy blog tonight.  Busy weekend filled with prepping for Halloween (costumes), pumpkin farm fun, and an unplanned but perfectly welcomed day of working on the outside of the house.  (Sadly, the inside was nearly forgotten...)

I love the fall and relish in the gorgeous and vivid colors of the trees everywhere I go this time of year.  I'm not a huge Halloween fan but am a huge fan of autumn.  Mostly because I love taking pictures in the fall.  Such amazing props (think pumpkins, dirt, and wagons) and perfect backdrops (think trees of all colors and rows upon rows of pumpkins!).  

Since I need to finish some school projects tonight still, I thought I'd simply share some fun Sunday snapshots that keep making me smile.  The joys of October!

Got a little tp'ed a couple weeks ago.
One excited cheerleader + Beautiful tree = Happiness

Lovin' the tp in the yard.  What a nut!  ;)

He'll pick out the best pumpkin...and pull it!

My faves!

All ready for competition!

Look at that height!

Could they be any more precious reading a pumpkin farm map?!?!  Love!

My favorite pumpkins

A sad prisoner

All smiles!

In honor of Halloween week, (and having about 50 Halloween books to share and always running out of time) I'm doing a "theme" a day this week.  We will be working on reviewing some old reading comprehension skills such as making connections, building on our schema, and asking and answering questions to name a few.  Then we will add in a couple new strategies to think about.  Since I have a plethora of craftivities I've used over the years, I want to continue to use them but not only incorporate the writing portion but more the comprehension strategies as well.

Here's a sneak peek of my week (just a brief basic outline!!!)...

Since we're also still focused on "Stomping out Bullying" all of my stories related to the characters above also touch on friendship and being true to yourself.  I love when everything links together!

Throughout this week I will post some pictures and the activities I will be doing.  I will also share the fun workstations we have been using the last couple weeks.  Found some fabulous treasures at the dollar store and in the $1 sections at any store I can find. 

For now, back to my real work.  
Good night!

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