Sunday, March 8, 2015

PARCC time

For many teachers and kiddos around the states, tomorrow starts PARCC testing (or standardized testing of some form).  For many years, I was one of the many teachers whose job it was to prep those third graders for their first round of standardized testing.  Teaching everything from coloring in the bubbles to how I would sound reading the scripted directions to taking their first timed tests and on and on.  

I remember those days well.  Not fondly.  But well.

When I started teaching first grade and March rolled around, it took me a while to figure it out, but I kept feeling like I was missing something.  Or forgetting to do something.  It finally dawned on me that it was NOT having to prep the kids for testing after it being engraved in my head for so long.  

Now here I am after all these years and tomorrow my own baby will take her first of many standardized tests.  I am blessed to know she is in possibly the greatest hands with an amazing teacher that she truly adores and admires.  This gives me peace in knowing she will absolutely try her best and work to make her and her teacher proud.  What a sweet girl she is!  Of course, the mom in me can't help but be a little nervous for her.  Knowing what the old tests look like and the seriousness that looms in the room while administering them, I can't help but wonder how it will impact her to stay focused and try her best......

That being said, I'm working on making a few little things to help keep her going throughout the week.

Here's a silly little sign just for fun to help inspire her. (nothing fancy!)

For my teacher friends, I give you this.

So true.

And I know that many of you agree so rather than end on that note, remember this.

For some of those kids tomorrow and the weeks ahead, this may be all they need to know to help them get through this.  

You believe in them.  No matter what.

Good luck, testers!  I believe in you!

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