Monday, December 15, 2014

My Own Font!

So I was going to title this post..."Dreams Can Come True" but I thought that might be a hair too cheesy.  Maybe.  But definitely true.  For me.

A dreary, wet Sunday and the last push before winter break.  So much to do and never enough time in the day to do it.  So how did I spend some of those most crucial, productive moments of the day you ask??  Terrific question...

I spent them creating this!!!

Now it certainly is NOT perfect and will get plenty tweaked before sharing but for a quick trial I couldn't be more thrilled.  
I created my own fonts today!!!!  WOO HOO!!

(How cheesy and nerdy am I?  Completely!!)

Everyone who knows me, knows these very important things about me:
1.  I love to talk.  Endlessly.
2.  I love to write & doodle.  Any form.
3.  I love fonts.  Love!

Long before I even contemplated selling my lessons or activities...
Long before I was an avid computer user...
Long before I had kids and digital scrapbooks...
I loved fonts!!

I often get asked where I get my fonts from or how do I have so many.  It's because I've been obsessed a long time in the making.  So today was truly a dream come true!!  I have longed for many years for a way to create my own fonts.  
I love to doodle and create my own posters in my classroom and knew somehow, someway there must be a way to create a font without having to spend a fortune on equipment.  I've even tried scanning and uploading each letter.  WTH?!?!?!  

Until now.  

I found a program for my iPad.
Now I'm on to perfecting.  Can't wait for winter break now more than ever!!

I even changed an activity I was creating for a lesson tomorrow to use my font!

This is not the final product but it is my new font...called CN Second Time Around!

Needless to say, this here is one beyond ecstatic girl!!
Happy Sunday to me!
(Thanks for letting me share my silly but exciting news!)

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