Saturday, January 24, 2015

Motivating and Reinforcing with Apps

January in the midwest can sometimes be grueling.   Some days too cold to go out.  Some days too wet to have recess.  Some days too snowy to go to school.  It's often dreary and overcast.  Then the winter blues start to set in.  There's no longer the excitement of the holidays and the colors surrounding you seem muted and ho hum.  It's back to the daily grind.

This month the daily grind has been anything BUT normal.  In the last 9 1/2 days of school our daily schedule has rarely been consistent or routine...especially when you throw in data meetings and snow days.  So these last few weeks, what could have been grueling and ho hum, have turned into something more inspiring and motivating...for me anyway.

It all started with a data meeting.  (So many thoughts, so little time to share about this in it of itself.)  As I sat in the meeting and following it, I did a lot of reflecting about my teaching, my classroom dynamics and student needs this year, and about how to try to reach and/or challenge more of my students.  Therein started some much needed January motivation.  So I guess some good things do come out of those meetings.  

I've been on the hunt for a good guided reading app to assist me with groups...but I truly believe what I'm searching for doesn't exist except in my head.  That happen to anyone else??

Needless to say, I found some other goodies.  

This was one.

Montessori Crosswords which I found in the AppStore.  

I think it's great for all levels in the classroom.  So far I have only used it in the classroom with my students that are still practicing letters sounds and simple cvc patterns.  At home my kinder has used it to practice her word patterns as well.  I love it because there is an auditory piece that students are able to hear the sounds needed and then identify the letter.  There are pictures to accompany each word which is a great visual.  There are various levels of complexity from short to long vowels, digraphs, clusters, and more.  

How I've used it in the classroom:
During my "Morning Fun" time, my general class as a whole are working at their desks on some sort of review sheet or work from the previous day.  I have two additional iPads (much to my daughter's dismay...I have been "borrowing" them for my students) that I have been pulling my students to my kidney table during that time to work on word and letter skills.  They are engaged and excited when they make a word.  I let them practice the simpler cvc words first.  Then the last few minutes I switch to our weekly skill such as long i cvce words.  I know they may not be mastering this skill but I think the more exposure they have to what we are working on as a whole, the better.

Here's another great app I've been using for a while: has this fantastic game...Sight Word Bingo.

Again, it can be used for many levels within your classroom.  I have been using it since my third grader was a kinder.  She used to love playing it while sitting at the doctor's office waiting and waiting....or during meetings...or whenever.  There are several apps on that site that are great but this is one of my faves.

Here's how I've used it in the classroom:
After my students practice sounds and letters, I put them on this game at their level and let them find the sight words.  It's a great independent activity that I don't need to "monitor" the entire time.  Students can navigate through the app when finished to do some spelling practice as well.  Bonus!

And finally here's my newest app I've added and put to use...

K12 Timed Reading and Comprehension

I found it in the App Store also.  There is a Lite version but I splurged and bought the $3.99 one to be able to do the comprehension pieces with it.

(These are all snapshots from itunes so you can see what it looks like.)

My kiddos go to their name and click on the "Next" story.

I have them read out loud while a partner monitors their accuracy.  If they get stuck on a word, the partner can simply tell them the word but the reader has to try it first.  My only complaint with the app so far is that it does not track accuracy or words missed.  I think that would be helpful but knowing what it does have allows me to use it for extra practice and not simply an assessment tool.

Students reading at the first grade or above level are asked some comprehension questions following.  

All the students scores are saved and can be viewed for wpm (words per minute are averaged based on the amount of time taken to read the entire passage), comprehension accuracy, and levels.

I'm using it is my classroom to give students extra one-on-one practice reading a more standardized probe rather than pulling books at instructional levels.  This was just one more piece I decided to try to help meet the needs for my students at both higher and lower levels after reflecting on those scores from my data meetings.

So far I am seeing some great motivation within them to read (and of course, those who have not yet done it...we've only practiced it for the last 3 days...are now begging me to read).  ;)  I'm well aware that the excitement is more about sitting and reading with the iPad rather than the actual task at hand but who am I to complain either way.  It is exciting so I'm going to ride that wave as long as I can. he he

All of this has actually motivated and inspired me to want to write a grant for more iPads to use in my classroom...
some day...

Friday, January 9, 2015

Baby it's cold outside

Let's start here.

Fonts by me!
Background clip art by The Paper Pegasus found on Etsy.

Even though I was actually bummed to have these past 3 days off school (crazy, I know!), I did actually need the time.  And well, let's be honest...who doesn't LOVE a snow day? Or three? (Can you picture my happy dance now?)  Apparently the 2 weeks off from winter break just wasn't enough for me.

I was able to but the finishing touches on my report cards and not have to lose hours of sleep.  Hooray!

I planned (er...stressed) about an all school PBIS/QL (read about Quantum Learning here) assembly my friend/coworker (Amy) and I were presenting  Ha!  So much for that!  I made some posters for our new incentive we will be starting soon and presenting to staff and students at the assembly.  I personally love when last minute ideas hit and then take on a mind of their own (and well...that is when my ideas usually hit.  Last minute.).  Ideas spinning out of control and was the weather.  (This is the problem and blessing of being a procrastinator at times-instant stress of not planning ahead and then lo and behold, two more snow days to work on fine tuning the details minus the stress.  Phew.)


Here's one of the posters that will be made into a large poster for students to sign.

7 more were made to accompany this one...the 8 Keys of Excellence

(I can't take credit...Amy thought of the poster idea.  I was just the creator.)  ;)

After the last two days of intense emailing, organizing, writing comments, and creating, I decided today would be just for fun.  After all, it is Friday.

So we did this for a bit.

Old school Nintendo.  The originals.  They LOVE it!!
We also did several things that I did not capture on film...
sort of.

I allowed myself to finish two fonts I started on winter break and never got a chance to wrap up.  Ironically, one was called "CN Snow Day."  Check out my Instagram pics to see it in the works.
It's also the font I used above in my "I heart snow days!" poster.  My favorite one so far but definitely the most time consuming.  I will say though I figured out several tricks and tips that certainly helped to create this font.  What do you think????

I'm still working on my guided reading recording sheet.  Almost finished and ready to share.  There's been so much going on and it looks like January has no intention of lightening up.  Ho hum.

We will launch next week with data meetings.

My sentiments, exactly.

Then, it's teaching for at least one full day.  Possible rescheduled assembly the next.  Early release by Thursday with some exciting professional development to follow that afternoon and Friday.  Going to be a quick one so I better make all the instructional minutes count next week.  Yowzaa!!

As for this weekend, the goal is to stay warm.  Play hard.  Finish creating.

Simple, right?!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Inspirational Word Art

Just feeling like sharing another cheesy piece of word art.
(not sure that it's technically "word art"...) ;)


I made it with several color combos.  Not sure which I like best.

Get your freebie in my tpt store!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Getting Crafty for Guided Reading

It all started with this.

Plus an enormous binder that is far too cumbersome to bring home...
hence the lack of a photo.

These are my guided reading bins where *I try* to keep all of my current or upcoming books for the week (or weeks).  Pretty basic.  No labels...simply because I do my groups by color and well, I've never gotten around to making fancy labels for these bins.    :(  

Anyway, I digress.

In all the years I've been teaching both third and first respectively, I have used several 
(ahem...S E V E R A L! far too many to post here!) 
strategies for logging and keeping track of anecdotal records and observations during guided reading.  I have used folders, clipboards, binders, charts, notecards, ......and on and on.  
It has always been something I've wanted to revamp, personalize, and make more efficient but haven't seemed to ever perfect what I needed.  So I keep on using those great resources I've either bought or been given over the years and tweaked or modified as needed.

Currently, I love my big ginormous binder of data collecting and recording and resources right at my finger tips.  However, it is quite large and not all.

Needless to say, I got a little motivated when I found these at Walmart.

These are the small ones that fit half sheets of paper.

I have been tweaking, retweaking, and revamping my own guided reading note-taking/checklist/recording system to fit on these small clipboards but it's certainly not ready to share yet.  I'm hoping to have it ready before Monday.  My idea is to either hang these near my guided reading table or just stick them in each color bin ready to pull out with the books and use.  

Before using though, I had to girlify (not a own made up word!) them.  ;)  And since I have a ridiculous amount of ribbon and washi tape, what's a girl to do but add them to these clipboards?!?!  

washi tape from either Target or Walmart...found a while ago and been waiting for a good purpose!

a mess of ribbon trying to find some colors to match my reading groups
(maybe someone should organize this!)
Here were the final results.

one for each group...a colored ribbon at the top denotes the group
(Although I wanted them more decorative, I didn't want something bumpy on the boards that would impact my writing. My goal was to keep it simple but add some color using materials I already owned.)

close up

red and yellow boards

Part one done.  
Now onto the recording sheets to add to each clipboard.  :)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Winter Break in Review

My most favorite thing about winter break is being with my family.  Period.

Without a doubt, everyone in this household takes full advantage of the two weeks off by celebrating most days in jammies, with games, staying up late, sleeping in (ha!), and extra together time.  I will admit that this fall I felt particularly pulled in many directions (by my own doing, I'm fully aware of...) and so this break was just that... a break.  I completely shut off from school and responsibilities related to it for the first week.  (Of course, in saying that, we also hosted two Christmases and dealt with a little one with an ear infection so relaxing was not really on the docket.)  Needless to say, it was a nice break from the every day routine stressors.

Along with the break from school and those responsibilities also came a lack of blogging....
oops.  All the best intentions of making good use of this little ol' blog during break prior to break.  
(Is this where I set up new goals for 2015?!?  Not foregoing my love of blogging/writing...) ;)
Ah well, how about a recap instead??

(prepare yourself for a picture recap overload!)

We started our break with a trip to the Holiday Express (aka Polar Express as we call it).

And though it was chilly, it was definitely fun and a great way to start the break!

We hosted my in-laws for the first Christmas!  My kiddos L.O.V.E. their cousins!!!!  The adults even noted how nice it was that they were all together (ages 9 months to 18 years) playing and giggling...somewhere in the house and none of them even asked to open presents!  
That's the best present right there! 

The next day the kiddos and I did some baking and gingerbread house/train decorating.
The silliness is apparent with bow girl and the yahoos with candy noses!

Mostly, they were great tasters and mess makers, but I guess that's what winter break is all about.  ;)  

Christmas Eve came and so did the performers for the camera.  What goofballs!  love.

On Santa morning, the kiddos walked down to a tree filled with presents below.  So many pictures were taken and moments captured forever.  Love those faces of surprise, happiness, and joy!  Even tender moments between siblings sharing presents and hugs.  Melt my heart!

(the camera wasn't fast enough to capture the big hug this train received when opened by this little boy)

One of my faves of all time!!

Christmas Day.  Jammies.  Nowhere to go.  So much to play and do.  
Time together with no expectations or requirements.
Too sweet for words.

And this one I just want to girls doing what they love.  Painting.  (Even better that their brother was asleep and this was some quiet, uninterrupted painting time.)

As for me, in the random moments I've been able to sneak some time in, I've continued my font making obsession this break.  What started as just the coolest thing ever (only to me I'm sure!) has grown even more.  At one time I considered sharing my fonts only to realize there is a fierce competition out there with so many amazing, talented, and trained people so I'm feeling a little doubtful now.  We'll see.

This is a sampling of what I've created and installed on my computer.  

(Some are a little rough as they were the first ones I created and was/am still learning the program.)
Soooooo thrilled to put these to use in at least my own classroom creations and products.

If you've lasted this long and are still reading...What do you think?!?

Now it's January 1st and time to get back into work mode.............